Model 28B Alarm and Motor Control Center
The Model 28B Alarm and Motor Control Center, mounted on the front of almost all TacTic Testers, includes variable speed drive motor control with the important “STOP ON DEFECT” and variable alarm horn functions. It also provides scan direction outputs to prevent misoperation of a strip-chart recorder or a TacTic Model 1088 Indicator/Controller during drive direction reversals. See Bulletin 760B.

Model 14D-Coded Alarm
TacTic developed special interface devices such as the Model 14D–Coded Alarm to meet unique system needs. This multi-channel audible alarm has distinct channel tone patterns that help the operator identify which channel has produced an indication.

Model 1088A Test Parameter Indicator & Marker/Sorter Controller
The Model 1088A Test Parameter Indicator & Marker/Sorter Controller provides all Model 108 functions plus computer-controlled delayed alarms to operate “downstream” defect marking or sorting devices. Adjustable “dead zones” are included to prevent false operation from signals due to piece ends passing the transducers.
The TacTic Model 1088A Test Parameter Indicator calculates and displays feed rate and correct settings for conveyor parameters such as drive, idler, and support pedestal wheel angles. It is used when entering the material diameter and desired scan index, or “pitch,” on the keypad for a menu-selected device. Infrared sensors measure throughput rate and enable digital display and limit alarms for linear and surface velocities and scan pitch.

MAC’s line of ultrasonic test systems can accommodate a full range of applications, including those requiring sophisticated high speed rotary testing.

TacTic™ Model 76EX-24 “Spin the Tube" Immersion Style System