Model 411 Series Dual Probe Followers
These followers mount on any standard TacTic® tester tank. These air-loaded followers ride the material on angulated wheels or balls to ensure excellent following action on crooked materials. TacTic recommends the use of followers on all materials above 1/2″ in diameter.
Rugged, lockable calibrated controls enable precise control of the orientation of each transducer. These units can perform normal beam, circumferential or axial scanning. See Bulletin 4110.

Model 444 (4-probe) and Model 446 (6-probe) Followers
The Model 444 (4-probe) and Model 446 (6-probe) Followers are used for the inspection of billets and large pipes and tubes up to 20 inches in conventional immersion tanks.
These Followers use a combination of an air cylinder and an electric motor to lift and lower the scanner to facilitate adjustments and to permit rapid transit along the length of the tank.

Model 45 Series Positioners
The 45-9 is the most popular system of our extensive line of positioners. It has precise 3-axis control with offset adjustments calibrated to 0.001″ (0.05 mm in the metric model) and rotational to 0.25°. The rotation range about the search tube axis is ± 90°. See Bulletin 453.

Model 140 Series Miniature Manipulators
These small manipulators mount on the end of a standard 3/4″ search tube and its bottom connector receives a standard UHF threaded transducer case. Each manipulator provides a ± 54° angulation in one plane only. When the search tube is supported in a positioner such as a Model 45-9, or a Follower such as a Model 444, this angulation is sufficient for the detection of defects of almost any orientation. If you need another rotation axis, these units may be connected in Series with 90° rotation between them. See Bulletin 1400.

MAC’s line of ultrasonic test systems can accommodate a full range of applications, including those requiring sophisticated high speed rotary testing.

TacTic™ Model 76EX-24 “Spin the Tube" Immersion Style System